Interested in participating in a study?
Check out current opportunities below.
We are recruiting adults experiencing depression symptoms for a trial testing a novel, cognitive behavioral skills training program in the metaverse. The initial trial will last 8 weeks with a 6-month follow up.
You may be eligible if:
You are 18 or older
You are experiencing symptoms of depression
You have access to a stable internet connection
You are able to speak and read English
All participants would have the potential to improve depression symptoms, as well as receive a free Meta Quest virtual reality headset and compensation up to $150.
Questions? Email us at!
Feel depressed?
Looking for help?
You may be eligible for a new study of the different ways in which therapies work to help people like you. This study by the University of Southern California will ask you to attend online psychotherapy sessions for 8 weeks and complete surveys during your day-to-day life.
Potential benefits: 
Participating in this study may improve your depressive symptoms
Participants may receive up to $140 in compensation
You may qualify if you are:
At least 18 years of age 
Experiencing depressive symptoms 
Can read and write English 
Have access to a stable internet connection, private location, and a video camera to attend group therapy sessions